Song written and sung by Cikwes.
Chanting and Drumming provided by Carol Powder from Chubby Cree.
Amiskwaskahegan (Beaver Hills House Park), 10404 Jasper Avenue, 9am-10pm starting May 28, 2021
The song Kisemanito is a Nehiyaw (Cree) spiritual. Kisemanto means ‘Kind Creator’ in the Cree language, a term that Elders start their prayers with in reference to Manito the ‘Great Mystery.’ Other Cree words such as Mamawihtowinan, our Father, Ninaskomitina, we thank you Oma kakisikak, for this day, are words of reverence to the Great Mystery for giving us another day to live because through Nehiyaw laws we are taught to be be thankful for the life that Creator has given us. This song was gifted to Cikwes to share with all that will hear it. The Ancestors can be heard singing in an ancient style giving the listener a feeling of being cradled in a wapsowin (traditional Cree swing,) through traditional Cree drumming and chanting, provided by Carol Powder of Chubby Cree.
nikamowin kisemanito enehiyaw (Cree) ahcahkowik. kisemanitô itwemakan ‘Kind Creator’ nehiyawewinihk, itwewin aniki kehte-ayak kâpacihtâcik kâmâcikâkîsimocik kâmawimôstawâcik manitô “Great Mystery’. kotaka nehiyaw itwewina tâpiskôc mâmawi-ohtâwîmâw, our Father, kinanâskomitinân, kinanâskomitinân ôma kâkîsikâk, for this day, itwewina ohci mistahi iteyihtâkosiwin ohci mamâtâwisowin kâmiyikoyahk kotak kîsikâw kapimâtisiyahk osâm anihi nehiyaw wiyasiwewina ekiskinohamâkawiyahk kananâskomoyahk ohci pimâtisiwin kâmiyikoyahk kisemanitô. ôma nikamowin ekîmiyikowisit Cikwes kamâtinamâket kahkiyaw kâwîpehtahkik. aniskac kiwahkômâkaninawak kâkîpehtâkosiwak enikamocik mitoni kayâs tâpiskôc ana kâpehtahk ôma ewewepitiht wewepisowinihk (traditional Cree swing) kayâs kâkî-matwehwât mistikwaskihkwa ekwa kânikamowayasihk, ekîhosihtât Carol Powder ohci Chubby Cree.
Image courtesy of Kristy Lynn and Levi Manchak, edited by Cheyenne Rain LeGrande ᑭᒥᐘᐣ