Linen, beet crystal dye, acrylic paint, crushed mint. Photographs custom printed on skateboards.
Great West Saddlery Building, 10137 - 104 Street
Niitakahkayi includes photographs of Blackfoot lands printed on skateboards accompanied by a backdrop with dialogue translated in the Blackfoot language (Nitsiipowahsiin) by Lauren’s aunt, Ahstanskiaki Manyfeathers.
For so many, colonialism has disrupted our understandings of home. Niitakahkayi explores alternative approaches of returning home in a turbulent era.
This canvas backdrop is hand dyed and adorned with remnants of objects gifted to Lauren creating an image that honours reclamation through the Blackfoot language and a strenuous artist process that acknowledges and mirrors the laborious action of learning one’s language. The skateboards have been custom printed with photographs Lauren took the last time they were in Sikohkotoki. Skateboarding is an art that takes considerable effort and courage, one that is comparable to learning one’s language. Skating, like language learning, can require daily practice and a lifelong dedication to it’s craft. In Niitakahkayi, Lauren considers the relation between these two pursuits.
Niitakahkayi is translated to “I am going home” (future tense). In Niitakahkayi, Lauren explores ways of coming home through artmaking, skateboarding and the necessary familial connections formed through language learning.
Ana Lauren Crazybull ootáp’otáksinni, iitsinihkátoopa niitakahkayi. Siksikait’sitapisskahkoyi iitohkit’ssínaam aapaksisttohksiksiistsi isstoht’aamookikaawa. Ana Lauren ootsínaksinistsi iitoomii’ápsinnaama kiina Sandra Manyfeathers maatsitssíítsitapii’sinaama.
Ani nápisstsi isto’kspánohkio’tssima pisátsi’nsimaani. Ani spoohtsi iitsipa isto’kspánohkio’takiyopa kii iitohpitsstaki kakitsimoyi. I’pówahsin iiyiksikóowa aikitássksinima’tsohsopa. Amo apo’táksinni iyíímaatoom maanistsííkohsa aitáíssksinima’ttsohsopa ahkaitsípóíssopi Amoyi manipass’tsimiisinni ootsitsitoomootsisi nitsitoomatapsksinnimaatsohsa nitahkohtsímokikahsa amóyi apaksisttohksiksiistisi. Kitaksinai’kakimaatopa omoyi Kiitáíssksinima’tstohkio’p Nitohk’anáátoomanistsiipootsipa iipohsinni, immokikaan, kii amoyi niitap’óótaksinni.
Náápiikoaiksi manistáístotokii sóótama’pohpáátsskimma kiistónoona maanistaotsistapi’tsi’pa aahkáapohtsi. Amótyi Niiitakahkayi anistápi ama matápi maahkit’skáhkaysi aikit’sááyippomapi.