
Shoot For Peace Edmonton | Home

AUGUST 23–September 7, 2024

Opening Reception: Friday, August 23rd at 7PM


FEATURed photographers

Hawo Gelle

Hibaq hassan

Jibriil Dhimbil

Juan Lako

Julian Pittman

Munira Hirsi

Najwa Jama

Shucab Hassan

Trevonte Smith

Yhara Ali


supported & created by

Arwa Elhag-Idris

Emilio Reyes

Faisa Omer

Ilham Hassan

Hannah Parmar

Nagad Elmi

Rabia Muhammed

Welcome to the first annual Shoot for Peace Edmonton’s photography exhibit of 2024, HOME. Shoot for Peace Edmonton is a youth photography mentorship program for Black youth in Edmonton, aimed to create third spaces of creative expression. This year's cohort of artists explore connections to culture and roots, a person's happy place, radiance, empowerment, peace, growth, and the circle of journey. Come and celebrate the artistic expression and personal stories of HOME captured through the lenses of our talented photographers. Don't miss this inspiring evening of art, community, and storytelling.

Shoot for Peace is a non-profit youth-led community organization in Edmonton with the mission of community healing through art.

Artist Statements

Hawo Gelle


In this photo, my two best friends stand gracefully before the vast ocean, a symbol of tranquility. Their presence, like the soothing waves, brings me a sense of peace and serenity that reminds me so much of home. We've known each other for over ten years now, and in that time, we've created countless memories and shared innumerable experiences. Through all the ups and downs, their presence in my life has been a constant source of comfort and stability. Just like the ocean's rhythmic waves, they both have a way of soothing my soul and bringing me back to a place of tranquility. Home isn't just a place; it's a feeling. It's where you feel safe, loved, and understood. They both embody that for me. Whether we're together in person or apart, knowing that they are a part of my life gives me a great sense of belonging! 

Hibaq Hassan


In these photographs, I explore the profound sense of “home” through moments of cultural identity and connection.

In the first image, I capture the essence of home through the gaze of a young girl standing by a chain-link fence. Her calm and reflective expression embodies the quiet strength of belonging. The modest homes and children playing in the background create a familiar backdrop, representing the everyday moments that define our understanding of home. Her pink hijab is more than just attire; it symbolizes cultural identity and community. Surrounded by friends, neighbors, and family, she reflects how home extends beyond physical space to encompass a network of relationships. This photograph conveys that the true meaning of home is found in the quiet places, shared experiences, and connections that shape our sense of self and belonging.

In the second image, I explore home through the intimate interaction between two young girls. One, wearing a teal hijab, stands calmly while the other adjusts her clothing, illustrating a moment of care and connection. The vibrant colors of their hijabs against the bright, natural setting of blue skies and lush greenery highlight the notion that home is not confined to physical boundaries. The outdoor setting suggests that home extends into the world around us, wherever we feel embraced and nurtured. This photograph emphasizes that home is where we feel safe to express our identities and where our cultural heritage is celebrated.

Jibriil Dhimbil

Shadowed Comfort

This silhouette of my friend playing basketball encapsulates the essence of what home means to me. Home isn't merely a place where you live—it's the moments you share with friends and family that truly make a place feel like home. The image captures a fleeting yet profound moment of joy and connection, stripped down to its purest form.

For me, home is found in these simple, shared experiences. The silhouette may not reveal every detail, but it perfectly represents the emotions and memories that make a place special. It's about the good times, the camaraderie, and the comfort of being with those who matter most.

Juan Lako

Home Within

Home, to me, is not a tangible place or the people around us; it is the space within ourselves where we can be truly authentic. It is the freedom to be who we are and the self-love we build for ourselves, brick by brick. 

This shoot is inspired by my personal understanding of home. I chose an outdoor setting to illustrate that home transcends physical confines. By avoiding group shots, I emphasize that home is an individual experience rather than a collective one. The angles and expressions of the models are designed to convey self-confidence, while their poses reflect the freedom and security found in being yourself.

The glittery material used in the shoot symbolizes liberty, and the pose symbolizes the confidence that comes with authenticity. The model embracing herself signifies that self-love cannot be taken away. Through these images, I invite viewers to reflect on their own sense of home and embrace the profound connection between self-love and personal freedom.

Julian Pittman


Home is a sanctuary of comfort, safety, and belonging. It's a place where you can truly be yourself, surrounded by the people and things that matter most. My photos aim to capture this essence of comfort, where you can be at ease and do anything within the safe space of your home. With my photography, I strive to convey the raw, relatable emotions that resonate with anyone who has ever felt the warmth and security of home.

Munira Hirsi

A Quiet Summer Day. 

With "A Quiet Summer Day," I want to convey the spirit of calm times that we frequently overlook in our day-to-day existence. That warm feeling of a home-y essence. Two kids are shown in this picture sitting on their front steps, each lost in their own world yet with a quiet connection between them. The youngster, wearing a headscarf and patterned clothing, is holding a colourful popsicle that represents childhood innocence and simplicity. The image of the youngster with water streaming from his head makes one feel cool and relieved from the summer heat. Their modest house provides a backdrop on which to emphasize the coziness and comfort of their surroundings. The children's bright colours and the muted tones of the house highlight their presence and the vitality they offer.

This picture is proof of the beauty that can be found in the small moments that fill our memories with meaning. My personal thoughts on family, childhood, and the small pleasures that are often overlooked served as inspiration. I want people to feel sentimental about this picture and be reminded of the small but significant events in life that make a difference in our lives.

Najwa Jama

Scents of Home

Every home carries a signature scent, but there's something uniquely captivating about the aroma of a Somali home. I’ve gathered the most iconic scents in the photograph displayed in Somali households. Each item contributes to the familiar, comforting aroma we associate with home. The scent that captures my heart the most is uunsi (frankincense). If I were to describe it, I would say it’s a perfect blend of rich, warm, earthy notes with a hint of sweetness. When burned, its fragrance evokes nostalgia and comfort, embodying the essence of Somali warmth and tradition.

Shucab Hassan

Tranquil Refuge: Embracing Inner Peace

To me, home is where I feel safe and at ease, a refuge from the chaos of the outside world. It's a sanctuary, a place of comfort and grounding. The two photographs share a profound connection, both capturing moments that resonate with a deep sense of peace and belonging, reflecting my vision for this project.

The photo of a man reading the Quran captures more than just a solitary moment—it encapsulates a spiritual connection that transcends the physical. It’s not just about the man or the book in his hands, but about the serenity and comfort he finds within its verses. This image symbolizes the profound tranquillity that Islam brings into my life. Whenever I’ve felt lost or overwhelmed, my faith has always been my anchor, offering me comfort and a sense of calm. It’s within these sacred moments that I feel most connected, most at home, even when everything around me feels uncertain.

The second photograph echoes this sentiment by grounding the experience in a place that is both physically and spiritually significant to me—the masjid. For me, the masjid represents more than just a place of worship; it is a symbol of community, peace, and belonging. Of all the places to choose for this shoot, the masjid was the natural choice because it embodies the essence of what home means to me. It is where I find a sense of purpose, where my faith is not just practiced but lived and felt deeply.

When I reflect on these images, words like peace, belonging, and sanctuary come to mind. They remind me that home isn’t just a physical space but a feeling—a sense of inner peace and belonging that I find through my connection to Islam and the masjid. These places and moments are integral to my identity, grounding me in who I am and where I come from.

Trevonte Smith


My experience is shared but unique. Defining home is a simple task for some, and for others it’s a vague expression. I personally struggled to find solace in my own circumstances. I took so much for granted. 

Having the space to explore my creative interests was all I ever needed to feel at home. Many people and places in my life would give me that space, it just took me a while to recognize and appreciate that. 

I wanted to capture a sense of freedom within expression through my images. The feeling of being unbound in one's creativity. Colour, light, framing, etc.. Variables subject to change at the whim of the artist. That is what home looks like to me. Anywhere new ideas are welcomed with enthusiasm.

Bold colors were emphasized to symbolize the importance of certainty in our expression. It's easy to “play it safe” and do what is generally palatable. The wide spaces pictured are just as integral signifying the infinite possibilities that art provides for us.

Yhara Ali

Bint Al-Nile (Daughter of the Nile)

The photos displayed here are images I captured showcasing a traditional Sudanese wedding. This particular segment is called the “Jirtig,” an ancient Sudanese tradition where the bride and groom are surrounded by family members singing traditional songs and sending blessings upon their union. During the “Jirtig” ceremony, the bride is dressed in a red garment and adorned with gold from head to toe.

For as long as I can remember, I have felt a deep connection to my culture. Home, to me, is the bustling Nile Street, family gatherings at my grandparents' house, and the rich culture and traditions that run deep through my veins. Home is my beautiful country, Sudan. My photos are not only a representation of my Sudanese heritage but also a testament to how proud I am of my roots and where I come from.

with love, from your favorite photographer.