Programming submissions

Programming PROPOSALS

Kiona Ligtvoet | work from These are the Things | 2021

Kiona Ligtvoet | work from These are the Things | 2021

Latitude 53 considers programming proposals from artists and curators for the gallery, as well as off-site or digital projects, on an ongoing basis.

We are particularly interested in hearing new directions from artists, dreaming projects they haven’t been able to realize yet, that would suit our space and strengths, even if the details aren’t completely fleshed out yet.

Latitude 53 provides installation assistance, promotion, documentation, as well as professional compensation for artists in accordance with the CARFAC-RAAV Minimum Recommended Fee Schedule for Category I Institutions:

  • 2024 Category I Solo Exhibition Fee $2,380

  • 2024 Category I Artist Engagement Fee (Talk, Workshop, etc) $362 or 500 depending on presentation

  • Sample Contract

Proposals are kept on record for a minimum period of one year for consideration by Latitude 53 staff, programming committees, and/or guest curators. Submissions may lead to studio visits or meetings,  when staff or curators judge to be appropriate. Only a portion of Latitude 53’s programming is selected from open submissions, and this process is highly competitive. We are not able to offer individual feedback on projects that are not selected at this time.


Proposal reqUESTS

  • Brief project description (max 1 page PDF, or 5 minute video/audio file)

  • Artist or Curatorial statement (max 1 page PDF, or 5 minute video/audio file)

  • CV with contact information (max 2 pages PDF or link to website)

  • 5-10 images of current or proposed work with titles, medium, date and size, as attachments or links

  • For sound or time-based submissions, video or audio work preferred as links


We are happy to make accommodations for artists to submit proposals in a format that works for them and their practices, for example, an artist statement presented on video in ASL, or the representation of works in alternative forms. Please contact us if you have questions about how to format your materials to make them useful to our staff and curators.

Please send proposals by email to with “Programming Proposal” in the subject line. For time-based, video, or intermedia work please provide a link via a service such as DropBox or Vimeo.

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your proposal.


ASL Translation

Video Credits: Production & Editing: Ebony Gooden/Deafinitely Digital, Project Coordinator: Connor Yuzwenko-Martin/The Invisible Practice, On-Camera Talent: Thurga Kanagesekarampillai, Camera Operator: Judah Truong, ASL Translators: Gail Benin & Robyn Lavender, L53 Accessibility Coodinator: Allie MacLaren, Special thanks to Max Quilliam.