Noor Bhangu giving a lecture at the beginning of her curatorial residency.
For the final and concluding programme in her curatorial residency, Noor Bhangu will lead a Future (Concrete) Workshop. It will open with a collective reflection on the ever-ambiguous and shifting relationship between utopia, desire, and hope. Following this, the participants will be asked to work in pairs to concretize utopia, desire, or hope through a creative and collaborative activity.
Some activities provided will include:
· Creation of a “Welcome” brochure for New Canadians
o What can an official pamphlet on Canadian history and culture include?
o And what should it include?
· Contributing to existing rubrics of land acknowledgement in Edmonton
o What are the responsibilities of white settlers and settlers of colour?
o How can existing land acknowledgements be built upon, or added to, to involve layered, complex histories of migration pre- and post-Treaties with the Crown?
· Mapping of an institution of the future
o Are there examples, or fragments, we can use from the present?
o What does it look like? And which bodies populate it?
· Participants will be invited to bring their own activities, that they or others could choose from.
The Future (Concrete) Workshop will close with a communal dinner cooked and served by Noor, which will include vegan, gluten-free, and onion-less options. Please email if you have dietary restrictions that have not been addressed here.