Roger Garcia
Fox Knitting Tail, Gouache and wax pencil on paper, Framed 10 x 10 in, 2022
Pachin Robot, Gouache and wax pencil on paper, Framed 18 x 15 in, 2022
Pachin and the Colossus (Inspired by Shadow of the Colossus), Watercolour and coloured pencils on paper, Framed 19.5 x 16 in, 2022
Roger Garcia is a self-taught freelance professional cartoonist/illustrator and art educator based out of Edmonton Alberta who works in acrylics, ink and digital media. His illustrations have been published in a variety of humour books, children's books, newspapers and educational material.
Aside from his own art making, Roger has been involved in the Edmonton arts community for over 2 decades and enjoys giving back and sharing his skills whenever possible. He also facilitates drawing and painting workshops for children and adults in art galleries, schools, youth camps and local art events/festivals in and around the city.
A refugee from El Salvador, Roger and his family escaped to Canada in the 1980’s fleeing a civil war. His father and mother always taught the family to be humble, never forget your roots, and give back to the community and to those without a voice. In 2011 his family was awarded the Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Award recognizing those who have made significant contributions to peace and human rights. His heart has always been in art, education, community and making people smile.